Powerful Personal Stories of
Healing with the Help of Cannabis
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Coming Out of The Green Closet: How Cannabis Intervened During the Pandemic to Relieve My PTSD, Arthritis, Grief, and More

Submitted by Joyce M. from Texas
Cannabis helped my PTSD and helped relieve some of my anxiety. In addition to that biggie, it also helped with my arthritis pain and racing thoughts (what I call my monkey mind) and relieved some minor skin issues.
I am 54 years old. I am from Texas. I am a leukemia survivor. I have been working on learning about cannabis and its benefits for a while now. I guess since about the time my mom passed from Parkinson’s Disease in 2016.
I wish I had known more about cannabis at that time
I can't imagine how much easier her last few years would have been if I had been more educated then. But I didn't know where to turn for solid and reliable information during those years. It is a dilemma in a state that doesn't have forthcoming information about adult use or medical cannabis. So, I tried to learn. Here and there, as best, I could.
On vacations in adult-use states, I would stop and talk to the dispensary folks
I figured they were the most knowledgeable. I learned that this is not always the case. Years passed as I learned what small drops of knowledge I managed to find. Not truly knowing if what they told me was accurate.
When my dad passed suddenly in 2019, I went into a whirlwind of grief and sudden major responsibilities.
I was in way over my head
Too much of everything. I had so much anxiety I was avoiding pretty much anything that felt remotely uncomfortable in the realm of trudging through the day-to-day tasks of laying the last parent to rest.
When I say, it was a lot, folks....It was a fucking LOT!! We are still dealing with some of the last of it today. I want it all done by the 5-year mark.
At least now, I have help in the form of cannabis
In 2022 I somehow managed to get approved for the Texas Compassionate Use Program. Apparently, I have some PTSD. Go figure.
All the symptoms really accumulated over time when I was looking out for my parents (being the main, go-to person for those years. I lived closest).
My senior dogs passing in 2016 within 3 months of each other. They had cancer. Different from each other.
My Mom also passing of Parkinson’s in 2016 after that long illness. Dad passing in 2019. Dad passed of heart failure. I am the one who found him. I knew I would be the one. I had told my sisters what would happen. And it did. Having that instinctual premonition still did not prepare me for how it would unfold or feel like. It was the hardest fucking thing I have ever dealt with in my life. And I am a cancer survivor. It's no wonder I have PTSD issues.
Covid kicked off 2020 my mother-in-law's passing during a Covid shutdown in 2021 was a lot of grief to carry in normal times. However, the Pandemic just managed to heighten all of it. Making it all more terrifying, more stressful and more difficult. Let’s just call those my *EXTRA* years. Cause they sure were extra!
Since that time, I found more people that are coaches and educators in the cannabis world
I have even taken some cannabis classes to be sure I have the correct and accurate science behind the plant. Knowing the right, sound, accurate information was very important to me.
The world has opened up again!
So here I am in 2023, in better shape mentally and emotionally than I have been in a long time. That's not to say life isn't stressful, and there are no challenges. There are. At least I can better deal with them now thanks to Talk Doc time (my therapist) and cannabis.
Now to do more learning and growing and get moving in a way that suits me.
Before Cannabis, I was anxious all the time. Fearful.
The kind that sits in your stomach and makes you think it is all too much to deal with. Bad dreams. Sleeping too much. Or worse, insomnia and sleeping too little. The sound of a fire engine would set me on a crying tangent for an hour or more. It was a trigger. Crazy but true. I believe this happened due to my father’s death and all that surrounded that. That’s still so difficult to talk about.
I tried the CBD oil drops from the health food store
When it came to physical pain, I turned to the CBD drops early on. I wanted them to help so badly. They really didn't. I had access to anxiety meds that worked, but also knocked me out. I didn't want to be in LaLa Land. Plus, I didn't want to rely on something so addictive. It literally says on the label, addictive. So, I didn't use them often. Only in emergencies.
I did find some CBD salve that helped with my arthritis. So that was a happy find. Was thrilled to bits when I learned to make a better salve!
I guess my cannabis education came from a little bit of everywhere
Some of my own digging. Finding documentaries. Lordy, please don't ask me which ones. Knowledgeable, smart people on Instagram.
But it helped most when I ran into a friend from back when I was fundraising for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Of all places, we saw each other at a musical! She was one row behind me! Amy Matthews, you will always be my cannabis angel. You showed me more of what cannabis and cannabis education can do and taught me that I could make my own more effective CBD salve. This was huge for me!
She was starting her journey as a cannabis coach and educator, and I was thrilled to listen to all the exciting things she was learning. I don’t think she knew what I was dealing with. I happily listened and acted like a sponge. My mind was frequently blown.
Whether we like it or not, there is still a huge stigma around cannabis
There is. There just is. The 80's DARE programs and being "scared straight" by the commercials of the time. For example, "This is your brain on drugs" as the egg hits the hot frying pan. It was effective. It sure made me think twice and thrice.
I struggle with coming out of the green closet
I want to share what I have learned and the stories I've been told. However, not all people are ready for it. They don't want to know. It's Illegal, they say. It will destroy my brain cells, they say. Well, some of it is illegal here in Texas. But there is plenty that is completely legal. And...EFFECTIVE! So, I am in the place of, Know Your Audience. LoL
I've tried several ingestion methods
Gummies, tinctures, smoking, vaporizing. Gotta figure out what works! I currently utilize the THC Indica Gummies I get through the Texas Compassionate Use Program (TCUP).
I usually take it after lunch. It helps calm my monkey mind, and I can focus better and complete tasks. How an “Indica” gummy doesn't make me sleep is amazing to me. It actually allows me to focus and get shit done! Now the whole, Indica/Sativa/Hybrid, terminology thing may be changing at some point (and controversial for some), but it is how the state of Texas labels their products at this time.
I use a THC/CBN 1:1 ratio or a 5mg square of a THC chocolate bar for sleep. I am in the process of figuring out which one of those work best for me.
I also utilize CBD flower in my dry herb vaporizer. There are so many nice flowers out there, and I enjoy the vapor and smoking-like process. It's also a faster way to get relief.
I use my own homemade CBD salve as well. I try to incorporate CBD, CBDa, CBG and CBGa. Also, whatever legal tiny amounts of THC are in the CBD flower help as well. A well-rounded whole plant synergistic balm. Sometimes I impress myself.
I am still trying to figure out what terpenes work best for me. That will be an ongoing personal study.
Before cannabis, I was more reliant on addictive pharmaceuticals
Whether that be pain or anxiety meds. I was under such stress and anxiousness I felt like I was shutting down. Going inside myself. Shutting out the pain of loss instead of dealing with it.
After I found more reliable medicine in cannabis, I was able to calm myself easier
Calming myself in a way that still left me upright and able to open up and deal with the hard things. Actually, go through the pain and heartache of losing both my parents. Do the work required to come out the other side as a whole person.
This process is still evolving with me. I still feel relatively new to the whole cannabis experience. I don’t get to talk about it as much as some. So, writing it down has it’s place. Yay!
I am here for it
Not only for what the plant can do for me but for others I know. I don’t have all the answers, but I am willing to bet I can find someone who does have more clarification on the subject at hand. Education folks, it's a powerful tool.
This is Joyce’s personal story and not meant to be medical advice. It is for informational purposes.
To work with a medical Cannabis professional, please visit our directory of coaches, educators, and medical professionals. Everyone's Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is different; good results start with the right approach. You don't have to figure it out on your own.
If you need help with any terminology in this article, you may find some answers in our glossary.
Effective Cannabis Newsletter is a platform to educate on the vital role of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in one's health. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information contained in or available through this newsletter is for general information purposes only. It is not medical advice; it is health awareness.

Submitted by Candy B. from Ontario, Canada
I am 38 years old. I am a musician, a content creator, a wife, and a mother.
I am from Ontario, Canada, and have been dealing with pain, grief, the MS hug, anxiety, depression, PTSD, stress, and migraines for many years.
I felt debilitated and not present in my life
I was struggling with chronic pain, deep grieving, inability to focus, and MS symptoms, and that caused me to feel debilitated at times and not present in my life.
Grief took a toll
Before I started my Cannabis journey, I was heavily grieving the death of my parents, all the while trying to navigate being a new mom. I was newly diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, and my body was bombarded with symptoms that made everything hard.
I was using MS medications that thankfully stopped my body from further attacks, but I was not on anything for the pain or symptoms I was experiencing. I was struggling.
Grateful for guidance
Andrea Meharg (Reveal Cannabis) was the first person to coach me about my Cannabis use. Then I was lucky enough to have her as a teacher!
Dr. Becky Brown has been a considerable influence on my Cannabis journey! She has coached me for over a year now and offers constant support.
Unapologetically honest
I never really struggled with the stigma around Cannabis myself. Since I decided to use it as a medicine for my symptoms, I have been unapologetically honest about it. I'm grateful that I can do that.
How Cannabis helps me
The way I use Cannabis to deal with my symptoms is that I take CBD oil in the mornings that I purchase. I take THC oil later in the day that I make myself.
I have found that these things have helped my MS hug symptoms tremendously, helped decrease my pain, allowed me to sleep, relieved the anxiety, and helped me to be present in my life.
The space and ability to start my healing
Before incorporating Cannabis for my condition, I was feeling lost and overwhelmed.
After incorporating Cannabis to address my health issues, I felt free, able, and relieved!
Cannabis gave me the space and ability to start any healing. It changed my life!
This is Candy's personal story and not meant to be medical advice. It is for informational purposes.
To work with a medical Cannabis professional, please visit our directory of coaches, educators, and medical professionals. Everyone's Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is different; good results start with the right approach. You don't have to figure it out on your own.
If you need help with any terminology in this article, you may find some answers in our glossary.
Effective Cannabis Newsletter is a platform to educate on the vital role of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in one's health. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information contained in or available through this newsletter is for general information purposes only. It is not medical advice; it is health awareness.
Medical Cannabis Improved My Quality of Life in Ways that No Doctor Has Been Able to in Over Three Decades

Submitted by Debi W. from Arizona
Here it is, 2023. At 65 years old, living in Arizona. I have been living with Asthma, Thalassemia Minor all my life, Osteoarthritis, and Fibromyalgia, for over three decades, CRPS, and COPD, for 28 years, and Mac Lung Disease for seven years. I am happy to report that since I started utilizing cannabinoid therapies in 2016, I have not accumulated any new medical conditions.
My pain has gone from a 10 to a 3
By integrating THC, CBD, CBG, and terpenes of Myrcene, Pinene, Linalool, Limonene, Caryophyllene, and Humulene into my treatment regime, I have experienced remarkable relief from my Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, along with improvement with my Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Mac Lung disease, and Thalassemia Minor, resulting in a substantial improvement of my quality of life. Despite struggling with these conditions for over three decades, no physician has been able to provide me with the same level of improvement, and my pain has decreased from a 10 to a 3.
Now that is what you can call relief. My brain is no longer foggy, I can think clearly, and I no longer live from lung infection to hospital stay, fighting for my life on constant repeat.
I have eliminated 28 pharmaceuticals, all replaced with Cannabis giving me the ability to function and work at something I love.
Transforming from living a life that was undesirable to thriving and adoring the life I currently have was a beautiful gift. I am excited to wake up every morning and embrace whatever each day presents to me.
There was a time the pain of fire never stopped
I lost my mobility, and the never-ending electrical shocks that surged up my leg made it impossible to get any restful sleep. The pain that raged inside me felt like an eternal fire, burning at full intensity 24/7.
Tasks that I once took for granted became complex and challenging. I could no longer wear a shoe, put my leg under the covers, shower, or even walk in the rain. My leg had become so hypersensitive that the slightest touch, like a tiny hair, would cause me immense shooting pain.
Due to my inability to stay focused, I had to hang up the car keys and give up driving. Furthermore, I lost my ability to work and was forced onto disability. The loss of mobility marked the start of my lung conditions, which eventually progressed to a point where I require oxygen to breathe all day and a 24-hour caregiver.
I was denied a lung transplant
I was enjoying nothing in life; I wanted to cut off my leg to stop the pain and fire, but that wouldn't work because it was all controlled by the brain as my doctor explained. Breathing was hard and labored as every breath determined whether I was alive.
There were days I thought I was too much burden on my family and it would be better if I weren't here. I was angry and sad that I could not live the life I had planned with my husband and family feeling that I had robbed them of life.
No one ever prepared me to live a life of severe illness and chronic pain. All I was doing was going from one doctor's appointment to the next with a list of symptoms and conditions doctors couldn’t help me change or improve.
I guess you can say I tried everything before finding my way to Medical Cannabis
I handed my health over to my doctors, trying conventional medical treatments and medications for over three decades. I did five years of experimental treatments through a pain clinic, signing my rights away and permitting them to try anything they thought might help reduce my pain. While exploring everything, I heard might be good for pain.
Instead of finding relief, I developed new symptoms that I still live with today. I was on 240 mg a day of OxyContin and was still at a pain level of 10 most days.
I trusted my doctors as my sole health advocate
Then the opioid crisis hit, and my doctors dropped me as a patient. I was abandoned, with no one to help me. I went from being a model patient to being called a drug addict and pill shopper. I didn't change; the medical community changed and left me with no treatment options and no one I could trust or count on when I needed them the most.
It became clear that there was only one person I could count on, and that was me
It was 2015, and finding reliable, accurate information about Medical Cannabis was difficult. Luckily, I landed on a link in Google for Green Flower Media. They were holding an educational seminar online out of Las Vegas, and you could watch it virtually. They were talking about Medical Cannabis and how it was helping pain and a few other conditions.
After signing up, the information I received left me curious and motivated me to learn even more. I enrolled in Green Flower Media's educational platform website, where they focused on discussing the medicinal properties of Cannabis, the plant itself, and the various products that can be used.
Observing Max Simon, the CEO of Green Flower, assemble the top experts in the Cannabis industry to educate others gave me the inspiration that there might be a chance for my health to improve. I was also told that Twitter was an excellent platform to learn about Cannabis medicine, so I created an account and started following everyone who discussed the topic.
I Found The Sacred Plant
Where I was introduced to John and Corinne, Malanca advocates for Cannabis and patients. They were offering a chronic pain masterclass and I signed up. I just wanted to learn more with every class I took, leading me to take all their masterclasses. These classes included topics of Medical-Cannabis-For-Alzheimers-Dementia-Other-Brain-conditions. Healing Cancer and How To Make It Work For You.
I had the honor to learn from some of the leading experts in these fields:
- David Bearman is a pain management specialist. He has more than 50 years of experience in substance abuse treatment and prevention. - Pain Masterclass
- Allan Frankel, Internal Medical doctor and one of the world's leading authorities on dosed cannabis medicine - Cancer Masterclass
- Daniel Stein, a board-certified Neurologist, opened Neurology of Cannabis in 2017- Brain Masterclasses
- Janice Vaughn-Knox, board-certified anesthesiologist, cannabinoid medicine specialist, and clinical endocannabinologist - How to Make it Work for You Masterclass
Learning I have an Endocannabinoid System (ECS) was an aha moment
I realized obtaining a comprehensive understanding of this information was vital for my continued health improvement. It became apparent that I should be well-versed in all that I could learn about cannabis and my ECS. My education on cannabis will continue indefinitely, as I realize the value of investing in learning about how our bodies function and the crucial role we play in taking charge of our health.
I threw away all my stigma around Cannabis when my doctors abandoned me
I needed treatment solutions, and if Cannabis could provide it, I was ready and willing to embrace it. I didn't have time for stigma. My health and life were on the line, as I was barely alive.
My determination was clear even in telling my family as it was not up for debate. I am open about my use of medical Cannabis as I want to break down the stigma surrounding it. A natural plant has had a profound positive impact on my life and I believe that only by being open and free to discuss it can we change people's perception of this powerful plant Cannabis that has saved my life.
I am a flower vape girl
When I first started exploring cannabis, everyone had me scared to death about inhaling anything into my lungs. This left me with tinctures and edibles to manage my pain yet I struggled to find the results I believed were possible. I soon found myself studying the benefits of Cannabis flower vapes. Surprisingly, the data showed they were not harmful to the lungs.
I ordered a Herbalizer table vape which began my health improvement quest. As my lungs started to improve. I use a combination of THC, CBD, and CBG flower to make a mix blend that works best for me.
With a focus on terpenes of Myrcene, Pinene, Linalool, Limonene, Caryophyllene, and Humulene
The terpenes will vary depending on the flower I have available to me. My dose is generally 2 to 3 puffs of vaped flower, and I consume 3 to 4 times a day. I also use a topical of THC, CBD, and CBG that I apply when my shoulder or joints flare up. I do a THC / CBG mix at bedtime to help me sleep.
They gave me five years to live (seven years ago)
Before introducing cannabinoid therapies into my health plan, doctors advised me to accept this is my new life and that they cannot do anything more to help me.
I was so sick at times that I did not know if I could make it to the next hour, much less the next day. I required a 24-hour caregiver to shower me, dress me, fix my meals, etc. I was not living a life; I was just here.
I could not be left alone as I could develop serious breathing difficulties with the snap of my fingers requiring immediate medical attention.
Once I established proper cannabinoid therapies, my health began to improve
I started learning to live life again. I enjoyed waking up in the mornings; I was excited to engage in simple things that most take for granted, like taking a shower, getting myself a glass of water, or just standing at the sink to wash the dishes.
No longer needing a 24-hour caregiver was a dream gift I never thought I would get. I am happy to be 65 alive and working.
I spent three decades being so sick and unable to contribute anything
Frequently, I'm asked if I'm considering retirement. The answer is a resounding "No." I'm now able to pursue something I'm passionate about, which is vital in making a positive impact on others' well-being and lives.
My health story is a work in progress as I continue to search for ways to improve some severe health issues. With that said, I'm immensely grateful for the progress I've made thus far but must continue to learn to educate the beauty and benefits of meeting your ECS and Cannabis.
This is Debi's personal story and not meant to be medical advice. It is for informational purposes.
To work with a medical Cannabis professional, please visit our directory of coaches, educators, and medical professionals. Everyone's Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is different; good results start with the right approach. You don't have to figure it out on your own.
If you need help with any terminology in this article, you may find some answers in our glossary.
Effective Cannabis Newsletter is a platform to educate on the vital role of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in one's health. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information contained in or available through this newsletter is for general information purposes only. It is not medical advice; it is health awareness.
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